• 01 - Project Analysis

    Site audit

    Determine specific brief and understand design requirements

    Understand user groups

    Generate initial drawings in CAD

    Engage and manage required consultants

    Attend all relevant meetings

  • 02 - Schematic Design

    Develop design concepts and sketch planning

    Explore possible materials and colour palettes

    Technical review of design options

    Review design in response to stakeholder feedback

    Manage sub-consultants

  • 03 - Design Development

    Develop a final design solution based on the approved sketch design

    Provide material specification, colours, finishes, and fittings selections for approval

    Provide furniture specifications

    Prepare colour boards and mood boards

    Provide documentation for required building censes

  • 04 - Documentation

    Prepare drawings, schedules and specifications

    Provide full documentation from consultants

    Ensure all documentation is compliant with all relevant standards and guidelines

    Work alongside appointed builder to ensure a seamless construction process

  • 05 - Construction & Handover

    Review shop drawings and continue working alongside the appointed builder during construction

    Confirm all defects and outstanding work has been completed

    Provide As Constructed Architectural Drawings and Project Handover Manual

    Provide ongoing support to our client